Monday, November 17, 2008

DueDates: ICU downtime (postponed v1.2 release)

This entry is to describe the efforts put out to releasing our next iteration of DueDates. Unfortunately this entry will be a sad one, since we have not yet released the entry and that things currently suffering from issues.
The ol' time constraint came back to bite us...

This will be a very short entry regarding my experiences this past week of working on DueDates. I will assure you that it was not a pleasant one. Considering the time constraints and last minute changes to arrive to an "elegant" solution. I took the time yesterday to work on refactoring my custom class parser called Argument. The plan went well in separating the options and options with parameters. By separating the two and making them extensible, I made them into separate classes. This made it easier to keep track of options with parameters since now the parameters are contained within a list of the option. I also refactored the LibraryParser class since I felt that it was too overbloated with things and it went against the name of the class being a called "parser". So I stripped it down into two separate classes, one being called DueDatesParser which dealt with argument parsing (extends from Argument abstract class) and the other being called LibraryManager which handled the manipulation of options being passed from DueDatesParser (sort and within functions, etc.).
PMD vs. FindBugs
After testing this fine on my local machine, it was finally time to build the stuff through ant -f It came to my attention how much things can break when you think you've got a solid idea going. My utter frustration was over how PMD and FindBugs would not come to an agreement when it came down to overriding equals & hashcode methods. I have a superclass, Option and a subclass of OptionParam. Option implements the comparable interface thus forcing me to override methods of equals and hashcode. In FindBugs, it would complain about the equals and hashcode methods not being overridden in the subclass. So I defined the two methods and just called its super methods (eg: super.equals(obj)). Now when I run ant verify again, it doesn't pass PMD, since PMD is now complaining about "UselessOverridingMethod."
Currently the project is at a halt and I will need to attend to this matter with my partner to resolve this issue. Hopefully we'll get something out and running by the end of today. Newly awaited features such as "-console", "-email" and "-wakeup" are still going to be featured on this next release. However we'll need the time now to resolve these issues first. Sorry for the inconvenience of this release and thank you for your patience.

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