Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stack on Google's Project Hosting + SVN

The purpose of this post is to experience the process of building your own source code management system by using both a live server (Google's Project Hosting) and Subversion (SVN). Source code management enables project teams to effectively share and collaborate with each other while keeping track of their development process. A part of the construction process consists of using good foundation practice tools, such as SVN to help ease the pain of manual code tracking and tasking.

1. Install Subversion
You'll need to have a copy of Subversion installed on your local machine. If you're running Mac OSX or Linux/Unix, then that'll be all you'll need. You can simply download the binaries/source straight from Subversion's site, here. Otherwise, If you're a Windows user, then I would recommend installing the latest version of CollabNet's TortoiseSVN. TortoiseSVN is an easy to use GUI version of SVN for Windows that can be interfaced (in version control) to support any filesystem item (files, folders, etc). Although the subsequent steps follow the basis of a Linux based platform, the process of login in and setting up the first checkout, add, commit, and update are conceptually the same.
2. Create a Google Project
Google's Project Hosting (GPH) is a service which enables team-project members to collaborate in an effective development environment. GPH provides project workspaces with easy to use UI member controls, issue tracking, mailing group lists (via Google groups), and most importantly Subversion. Although you are not restricted to use Google's Project Hosting, I would recommend it if you want to quickly get something up and running for your co-workers or the world to see. If your intentions are to use some other advanced remote server, then you'll have to look elsewhere for that. I'm simply portraying the use of one possible solution. If you'd rather take another approach, then here are some of my recommendations on how to approach the same level of likeness to Google's: 1) Get and install Subversion, 2) Install Apache on your server, 3) Configure Subversion to work with SSL and Apache, and 4) Install Trac - issue/task management software. The more detailed instructions can be found here.
3. Initialize: Revision 1
To get started with GPH, you're required to obtain/already own a Google account (as with anything from Google). Next, redirect yourself to GPH's site here and click on "create a new project." This will instantly create a project and provide you the necessary parameters needed to describe your project. Once all the forms are out of the way, navigate over to the "Source" tab. Here, you'll be presented by Google's nicely suggested commands to run SVN. You could now just copy and paste the following into a terminal window.
"svn checkout https://stack-anthonydu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ stack-anthonydu --username anthony.m.du"
Quick explanation of these commands:
  • "svn checkout" - pulls the SVN tree structure (svn>(tags)/(branches)/(trunk)) from the specified server. This will only need to be done once.
  • "https://.../svn/trunk/" - url of source code. It can be a remote or local server
  • "stack-anthonydu" - project folder name
  • "--username anthony.m.du" - google account username for server access.
Once you hit return, the GPH server will verify your credentials with a pre-generated key. You may generate a new one or use the one pre-generated key under the "googlecode.com password" link. After you successfully checkout, SVN will display a message noting your very first revision. This marks the end of possibly the hardest part of setting up your repository.
4. Adding & Committing files
Now switch to your project directory. Notice that their is a hidden ".svn" folder in your directory which stores information about the current state of your repository. The next logical step is to add files to your main code line. Use "svn status" to see which files have not yet been added or added but not yet committed. The files that have been added will be prefixed with the letter 'A', and one's that have not been added will be prefixed with '?'. Unfortunately there is no easy way to recursively add all files and subdirectories using a terminal/command line. You might think that a simple svn add * would do the trick, but this command is NOT recursive. So I looked around for a quick and dirty script that will simply add all newly, non-committed files to svn. Here's the script in its most rawest form: "svn status | grep "^\?" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add"
I have made this into a command of my own to simply be called anywhere called "svnadd." This can be done by saving the one-liner script into a file and storing it into the "/usr/bin/" directory (only under Unix/Linux platforms).
For a list of commands provided by svn, you may simply type "svn help". Now that you've made changes to your repository by adding files, the next step is to commit your changes to the main repository. This can be simply done with the command "svn commit", followed by a meaningful message describing the changes you've made. In this initial process, you can name it along the lines of "project initialization."
Transmitting file data .............................................
Committed revision 2.
This marks the end of Revision 2.

I have applied these instructions to my first GPH, called "stack-anthonydu" (same project from previous blog posts). This project can be accessed, viewed/downloaded, but not modified by public users. The master repository goes unchanged unless you own or are a member of the project. Here is a link to my stack-anthonydu in all its glory.

I learned that version control should be part of your daily-standard arsenal. After this brief introduction to configuring and getting a feel for Subversion commands, I was quick to appreciate its vast potential for sharing and publishing source code. In my next blog post I'll further explain my experiences using my newly committed stack project.

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